Attendance Regular class attendance, participation in Sunday Eucharist and attendance at planned liturgical events are expected. If your child must miss class for a serious reason, email the coordinator or his/her teacher. Help your child schedule sports and other activities to accommodate Religious Ed classes. Punctuality is a matter of personal discipline–all classes will begin and end on time. Classes do not usually meet on the first Sunday of seasonal vacations or on holiday weekends.
Dismissal Kindergarten through Grade 6 Parents are asked to pick up their children promptly at 11:00am and use caution when entering and exiting the schoolyard. Parents in vehicles are asked to travel one way–enter the schoolyard at the main entrance across from Holy Name Rectory, and exit down the ramp across from Parish Hall.
Dismissal Grades 7, 8, Confirmation (Conf) I & II Students enter and are dismissed from Finn Hall. Parents use caution when driving in the parking lot, and please be prompt. We do not leave any child unattended.
Cancellation of Class or Liturgical Events All cancellations, announcements and changes in schedule are made primarily through email, church announcement, notice in the parish bulletin, or in the case of inclement weather, through emails, Constant Contact or on local TV/radio. In the event of a weather emergency, use your discretion for the benefit of your child's safety.