At the time of initial registration, children baptized in a church other than Holy Name must provide a copy of their baptismal certificate.
$65 per child
Sacrament years:
First Eucharist–Grade 2 $25 for children in Catholic schools other than Holy Name
$90 for public school children attending Faith Formation Sessions
Confirmation for Confirmation II
Check made payable to Holy Name Church; memo Religious Education
Registration for all grades: Rel Ed Registration Form All Grades
Online registration allows for credit card use. Checks may be mailed payable to Holy Name Parish Religious Education.
Respect, courtesy, punctuality, ability to listen, participation and interest are appropriately expected from the Christian-young and old. All students must be respectful of each other and of their teachers. Respect of parish property is mandatory. On those rare occasions when one misbehaves or vandalizes parish property, appropriate action will be taken, i.e., the parent will be notified, a meeting arranged with the student, and remuneration arranged.
Hand-held electronic devices, including, but not limited to cell phones, Ipods, Iphones, etc., that are used without authorization during class will be confiscated and returned later to a parent.
There is zero tolerance for drug, alcohol or tobacco use, before or during class time. If a problem is noted, the parent(s) will be called immediately.
Please let us know if your child has a medical issue or life-threatening allergy and provide us with an EpiPen at the beginning of the year. In case of a medical emergency, our first response will be to call 911 and then to notify parents. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE HAVE UP-TO-DATE CONTACT INFORMATION.
Please share any information that might be helpful to us, such as, if your child has an IEP–a recognized behavioral situation or anything that could help our teachers. Please know that we have the children for a very brief time each week–it is impossible for our teachers (who are not all trained in special education) to manage a particular child and still be present to the rest of the class. We rely on your help to best work with your child.